Figar M, Marini F, Tavormina G, et al – “Percorsi dell’urgenza in Psichiatria: lo psichiatra tra il comprendere e l’agire” (Giornale Veneto di Scienze Mediche, 1992; 44: suppl 4: 39-45);
Tavormina G – “Il ruolo della Fluvoxamina nel disturbo bipolare dell’umore di tipo misto” (Neuronius, 1999; 1: 3-4);
Tavormina G – “Variabilità di utilizzo del Citalopram e sua tollerabiltà” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia, 2000; 6: suppl 1: 262);
Tavormina G – “Utilizzo della Gabapentina negli stati misti dei disturbi dell’umore con disritmie all’EEG” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia, 2000; 6: suppl 1: 262-3);
Tavormina G – “Efficacy and tolerability of Mirtazapine in bipolar spectrum depression” (The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2000; 3: suppl 1: 194);
Tavormina G – “Oxcarbazepine as a mood regulator: its efficacy, safety and tolerability vs Carbamazepine” (The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2000; 3: suppl 1: 337);
Tavormina G – “Utilizzo del Risperidone nei gravi disturbi dell’umore dello spettro bipolare” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia, 2001; 7: suppl 1: 235-6);
Tavormina G – “Bright light treatment for women’s mental health: four cases reports” (Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 2001; 3: suppl 2: 94);
Tavormina G, Corea S, Sirianni P, Tavormina M – “Mood or anxious diseases of the significant others of patients with mood or anxious diseases” (The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2001; 2: suppl 1: 207);
Tavormina G – “Bright light therapy as an antidepressant modality” (The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2001; 2: suppl 1: 341);
Tavormina G, Corea S – “Psychiatric Studies Centre” (The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2001; 2: suppl 1: 376);
Tavormina G – “Efficacy of Fluvoxamine in depression of cyclothymic older patients” (International Psychogeriatrics, 2001; 13: suppl 2: 185);
Tavormina G – “Ropinirole as an antidepressant: its efficacy and tolerability” (Actas Espagnolas de Psiquiatria, 2001; 29: suppl 1: 306);
Tavormina G – “Variability of Mirtazapine utilization” (Actas Espagnolas de Psiquiatria, 2001; 29: suppl 1: 306).
Tavormina G – “Il Ropinirolo come un antidepressivo: sua efficacia e tollerabilità” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia , 2002; 8: suppl 1: 199);
Tavormina G – “Citalopram efficacy in PAD and OCD disorders” (European Psychiatry, 2002; 17: suppl 1: 95);
Tavormina G, Corea S – “Il CEN.STU.PSI.,Centro Studi Psichiatrici – Provaglio d’Iseo”, (Studi di Psichiatria, 2002; 4: 5);
Tavormina G – “Venlafaxine utilization in mood disorders with resistant depressive symptoms” (The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2002; 3: suppl 1: 28);
Tavormina G, Corea S, Citron A – “Reboxetine utilization as add-on terapy to SSRI in treatment-resistant depression” (J Clin Psychiatry, 2002; 63:11, 1082);
Tavormina G – “Efficacia di Fluvoxamina in pazienti anziani ciclotimici affetti da depressione” (Medico e paziente, 2002; 8: suppl 1: 3-4);
Tavormina G, Corea S, Sirianni P, Tavormina M – “Disturbi dell’umore o d’ansia nei partners dei pazienti con disturbi dell’umore o d’ansia” (Journal on line, Psichiatria, 2002; 23: 4);
Tavormina G – “Utilizzo della Venlafaxina nei disturbi dell’umore con sintomatologia depressiva resistente” (Journal on line, Psichiatria, 2002; 24: 4);
Tavormina G – “Uso della Terapia della Luce in varie patologie psichiatriche” (Journal on line, Psichiatria, 2002; 25: 4);
Tavormina G – “L’Oxcarbazepina come regolatore dell’umore: sua efficacia e tolerabilità vs. la Carbamazepina” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia, 2003; 9: suppl 1: 305);
Tavormina G, Corea S, Citron A – “Mood or anxious diseases of the significant others of psichiatric patients” (European Psychiatry, 2004; 19: suppl 1: 186);
Tavormina G – “Bright light therapy in various psychiatric diseases” (Psychiatriki, 2004; 15: suppl 1: 183);
Tavormina G -”Risperidone utilization in serious bipolar mood disorders” (European Psychiatry, 2005; 20: suppl 1: 142);
Tavormina G, Corea S, Citron A -”The prevalence of psychiatric disease in the significant others of patients with known mood and anxious disease” (Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 2005; 1:12; 02 Aug 2005);
Tavormina G – ”Depressione e ansia in gravidanza: ruolo della terapia della luce” (Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia , 2006; 12: suppl 1: 411-412);
Zdanowicz N, Tavormina G, Agius M, et al -”Actual emergency in psychiatry: from everyday problems to crisis” (European Psychiatry, 2006; 21: suppl 1: 170-1);
Tavormina G -”Depression and anxiety during pregnancy: the role of light therapy” (European Psychiatry, 2007; 22: suppl 1: 66);
Agius M, Tavormina G – “Identifying and treating bipolar illness early” (BMJ, February 19th , 2007 );
Tavormina G, Agius M – “Need to improve diagnosis and treatment for bipolar disorder” (Br J Psych, 2007; 190: 189-191);
Agius M, Tavormina G, Zaman R, et al – “Developing primary care treatment of depression” (Br J General Practice, 2007; 57: 501-2);
Tavormina G, Agius M – “The high prevalence of the bipolar spectrum in private practice” (J Bipolar Dis: Rev & Comm, 2007; 6; 3: 19);
Tavormina G – “Bipolar spectrum diagnosis and social aspects of mood disorders: the European Depression Day project” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2007; 19: suppl 1: 6);
Tavormina G – “Light therapy in pregnant women with depression ad anxiety” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2007; 19: suppl 1: 58);
Tavormina G, Agius M – “A study of the incidence of bipolar spectrum disorders in a private psychiatric practice” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2007; 19: 4: 370-74);
Zdanowicz N, Tavormina G, Agius M – “Must the risk of side effects dictate pharmacological practices?” (European Psychiatry, 2008; 23: suppl 2: 171);
Agius M, Tavormina G, Zaman R, et al – “Under diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder in an English community mental health team” (European Psychiatry, 2008; 23: suppl 2: 224);
Agius M, Tavormina G – “The bipolar spectrum: do we need a single algorithm for affective disorder?” (European Psychiatry, 2009; 24: suppl 1: P01-218);
Tavormina G – “Le Dipendenze nello Spettro Bipolare e i suoi aspetti psico-educazionali: La Giornata Europea sulla Depressione” (La Fenice, Journal of Addictions, 2009; 1:1-2; Aug 2009;
Tavormina G – “The bipolar spectrum diagnosis: the role of the temperaments” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2009; 21: 2: 160-161);
Tavormina G – “The temperaments and their role in early diagnosis of bipolar spectrum disorders” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; 22, suppl 1: 15-17);
Tavormina G – “The temperaments: its knowledge is a crucial way in early diagnosis of bipolar disorders” (European Psychiatry, 2011; 26: suppl 1: P01-199);
Tavormina G – “Are somatisations symptoms important evidence for an early diagnosis of bipolar spectrum mood disorders?” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; 23: suppl 1: 13-14);
Tavormina G – “An approach to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with bipolar spectrum mood disorders, identifying temperaments” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2012; 24: suppl 1: 25-27);
Tavormina G – “An early diagnosis of bipolar spectrum disorders needs of valuing the somatisation symptoms of patients” (J Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 2012; 28: e59-e60);
Tavormina G – Consulting Editor del n° 3 di Cutting Edge Psychiatry in Practice (CEPIP) – The management of bipolar spectrum disorder – (SEPT) — august 2013.
Tavormina G – “An introduction to the bipolar spectrum” – The management of bipolar spectrum disorder (CEPIP); august 2013; 3-6.
Tavormina G – “The temperaments and their relevance to bipolar spectrum disorders” – The management of bipolar spectrum disorder (CEPIP); august 2013; 19-21.
Tavormina G – “Some somatic symptoms are important evidence for an early diagnosis of bipolar spectrum mood disorders” – The management of bipolar spectrum disorder (CEPIP); august 2013; 192-94.
Tavormina G – “A clinical diagnostic-therapeutic long time evaluation of 30 cases reports of bipolar spectrum mixed states” (Psychiatria Danubina, 2013; 25: suppl 2: 190-93.
Tavormina G, et al – “Luce sul male oscuro – Throwing light on a dark problem” – Sardini Ed., september 2013.
Tavormina G – “Treating the bipolar spectrum mixed states: a new rating scale to diagnose them”. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2014; 26: supp 1: 6-9).
Tavormina G – “Clinical utilisation of the ‘GT-MSRS’, the rating scale for mixed states: 35 cases report”. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2015; 27: supp 1: 155-59).
Tavormina MGM, Tavormina R, Tavormina G, Nemoianni E – “A questionnaire to assess social stigma”. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2015; 27: supp 1: 328-331).
Tavormina G – “An approach to treat bipolar disorders mixed states”. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2016; 28: supp 1: 9-12).
Tavormina MGM, Tavormina G, Tavormina R, et al. – “Thinking of psychiatric disorders as a ‘normal’ illness”. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2016; 28: supp 1: 125-131).
Tavormina G, et al.- Clinical utilisation and usefullness of the rating scale of mixed states, (“GT- MSRS”): a multicenter study. (Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; 29: supp 3: 365-67.
Tavormina G – “Il trattamento degli stati misti: nuove proposte per nuove linee-guida”. (Telos,2017; supp ottobre 2017: 7-13).
Tavormina MGM, Tavormina G e Tavormina R – “Malattia mentale e pregiudizi: studio multicentrico sullo stigma sociale”. (Telos,2017; supp ottobre 2017: 61-70).
Tavormina G -How understanding the temperaments can help clinicians to make a correct diagnosis of bipolar mood disorders: 10 case reports – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2018; 30: supp 7: 398-400).
Tavormina G -Can writing poems and taking photos help the psychiatrist to improve his humanity and the mental health of his patients? – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2018; 30: supp 7: 648).
Tavormina G – Come l’evidenza dei temperamenti può aiutare il clinico a fare una corretta diagnosi di disturbo bipolare: “10 case-reports” – (Telos,2019; supp maggio 2019: 77-84).
Tavormina G – Bipolar disorders and bipolarity: the notion of the “mixity” – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2019; 31: supp 3: 434-37).
Cervone A, Tavormina G, et al. – Clinical utilization of the rating scale of mixed states (GT-MSRS) in a psychiatric inpatient unit: a retrospective study – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2019; 31: supp 3: 486-89).
Tavormina G – I disturbi della condotta alimentare (DCA) e lo spettro bipolare dell’umore: comorbidità o parte integrante degli “stati misti”? – (Telos, 2019; numero 2/2019: 55-63).
Tavormina G – Il Centro Studi Psichiatrici (Cen.Stu.Psi.): un’associazione scientifica-ponte verso la scienza – The Psychiatric Studies Centre: a bridge scientific association towards science — (Telos,2020; numero 2/2020: 1-3).
Tavormina G – Il concetto clinico del “mixity” per meglio comprendere gli stati misti dello spettro bipolare – (Telos,2020; numero 2/2020: 219-229).
Tecco JM, Zaman R, Zdanowicz N, Tavormina G – Mental health research in times of pandemic – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; 32: supp 1: 4-4).
Tavormina G et al – Stress and anxiety in the healthcare workers during the COVID-19 viral epidemic: a new rating scale (SAVE-9) to put in evidence them – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; 32: supp 1: 5-9).
Tavormina G – The connection between bipolar spectrum disorders and eating disorders – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; 32: supp 1: 142-145).
Franza F, Tavormina G et al. – Emotional blunting and cognitive profile in elderly depressed patients in treatment with vortioxetine – (European Psychiatry, 2021; supp 1; 399).
Tavormina G – The psychiatric studies centre: a bridge scientific association towards science – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 9: 3).
avormina G – From the temperaments to the bipolar mixed states: essential steps for the clinicians on understanding the mixity – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 9: 6-10).
Franza F, Tavormina G et al – Loneliness and hopelesness: their role in the depressive cases during the covid pandemia – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 9: 14-17).
Vacca A, Tavormina G et al – The emotional impact of the operator in the care of patients with mental disorders during the pandemic: measure of interventions on compassion fatigue and burn-out – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 9: 108-13).
Minò MV, Tavormina G et al – The effect of the pandemic on the care of patients with mental disorders: measure of “compassion fatigue” and “burt-out” in the operator – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 9: 114-18).
Franza F, Tavormina G et al – Anxiety and burnout in alzheimer’s caregivers in COVID-19 pandemic – (Jour Neurological Sciences, 2021; October; 429: 119961.
Fountoulakis K, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Results of the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the General population (COMET-G) study – (European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021; 15; 54:21-40).
Tavormina G – The overcoming of depression in time of pandemic – (Revista Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e saude mental, 2021; 7 (4): 124‑125.
Tavormina G – Psychomotor agitation and mood disorders in patients with intellectual disabilities: efficacy of treatment with mood regulators – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; 33: suppl. 11: 27-28).
Fountoulakis K, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – The effect of different degrees of lockdown and self-identified gender on anxiety, depression and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the international COMET-G study – Psychiatry Research, 2022, 315: 114702.
Franza F & Tavormina G – From temperament to mood disorders spectrum – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 4-5).
Tavormina G – Mood disorders and type of work: what interaction? an italian study – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 6-8).
Cervone A, Tavormina G, et al. – Mixed states: diagnosis, assessment and diagnostic stability – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 38-41).
Costa D & Tavormina G – The listening experience in a group of adolescents with mood disorders – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 46-9).
Franza F, Tavormina G et al – Hope in psychiatric patients: an observational study in a psychiatric rehabilitation centre – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 60-63).
Amici P & Tavormina G – Emergency, fear, worry and intolerance of emotion – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 75-80).
Fiorentino N, Franza F, Tavormina G et al – Metabolic alterations and drug interactions: the role of the association between antipsychotics / mood stabilizers and cognitive deficits – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 100-104).
Kozina T, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Educational initiative about the covid-19 pandemic-related neuropsychiatry for early career professionals in eu: the impact of the novel virus on brain, mind, and society – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 164-69).
Germanova O, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Cryptogenic stroke in the context of pandemic-related stress: the role of arterial hemodynamics – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 256-61).
Borisova N, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Virtual reality-based interventions for treating depression in the context of covid-19 pandemic: inducing the proficit in positive emotions as a key concept of recovery and a path back to normality – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2022; 34: suppl. 8: 276-84).
Fontoulakis K, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the health professionals (COMET-HP) study: depression, suicidal tendencies and conspiracism – (Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol,2023;58 (9):1387-1410)
Agius M & Tavormina G – Twinned conferences in psychiatry – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 5)
Astafeva D, Gayduk A, Tavormina G, Syunyakov T, Chigareva O, Bikbaeva K, Markina E, Vlasov A, Yashikhina A, Zhovnerchuk E, Kolsanov A & Smirnova D – Neuronetwork approach in the early diagnosis of depression – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 77-85)
Smirnova D, Vlasov A, Yashikhina A, Astafeva D, Pavlichenko A, Syunyakov T & Tavormina G – G.T.-MSRS on-line calculator targeting the early diagnosis of mixed affective states: the multicenter study project design on the approbation and validity of the three language versions of the rating scale – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 86-93)
Franza F, De Paola A, Papa F, Solomita B & Tavormina G – Negative sympotoms and cognitive deficits in primary psychoses: an observational study in a psychiatric rehabilitation centre – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 128-31)
Franza F, Soddu A, Fiorentino N, Calabrese L, Zarrella A, Solomita B & Tavormina G – The interference of negative symptoms of schizophrenia on cognitive domains: a long-term observational study on the role of clozapine – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 132-35)
Conte G, Spiniello A, Pippa F, Sileno R, Basta B, Manfreda E, Tavormina G & Franza F – The role of fatigue and satisfaction of compassion, and hopelessness in healthcare workers in the alzheimer’s disease in the post-covid-19 pandemic – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 287-91)
Tavormina G – Mixed states and seizure episodes: what connection? – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 2: 391-93)
Tavormina G – Efficacy of mood regulators and music therapy in patients with mood instability and serious intellectual disabilities: three cases reports – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2023; 35: suppl. 3: 99-101)
Franza F, Cervone A, Solomita B, Di Napoli W, Tavormina M & Tavormina G – Psychological and Biological Aspects of “Without-Body Bereavement”: Reflections at COVID-19 Pandemic Time – (Mental Illness, 2024; vol 2024; article ID 4943726;
Foutoulakis K, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Somatic multicomorbidity and disability in patients with psychiatric disorders in comparison to the general population: a quasi-epidemiological investigation in 54,826 subjects from 40 countries (COMET-G study). CNS Spectr 2024 Apr; 29 (2): 126-149.
Foutoulakis K, Smirnova D, Tavormina G, et al. – Non-binary gender, vulnerable populations and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the general population (COMET-G) study. J Affect Disord 2024 May 1st; 352; 536-551.
Tavormina G & Smirnova D – The horizons of contemporary psychiatry are striving for a better reality – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 6).
Franza F, Celia G, Di Napoli WAR, Franza A, Solomita B, Pagnotta F, Tavormina MGM & Tavormina G – Psychopathological and therapeutic trajectories of inpatients affected by mixed states and bipolar spectrum disorders – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 68-72).
Syunyakov T, Pavlichenko A, Vlasov A, Patsali M, Cumming P, Gonda X, Thibaut F, Tavormina G, De Sousa A, Fountoulakis KN & Smirnova D – The population typology of conspiracy beliefs about sars-CoV-2 origin in russia based on predictive modelling of comet-g study data: incoherent attitude indicator as a predisposing factor for developing mental disturbances – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 115-28).
Tavormina G – Depression, mood disorders and bipolar spectrum: one or different diseases? – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 170-5).
Franza F, Solomita B, Franza A, Conte G, Roselli L, Vacca A, Minò MV & Tavormina G – Primary psychosis, geriatric depression and cognitive reserve: protective factor and therapeutic trajectors – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 176-9).
Cervone A, Borriello G, Fuschino A, Ferrandino M, Esposito G, D’Aietti E, Tavormina G – Suicidality in youngers: an observational study in outpatient unit – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 210-14).
Syunyakov T, Ashurov Z, Magzumova S, Astafeva D, Vlasov A, Pavlichenko A, Vrublevska J, Gonda X, Tavormina G, Thibaut F, Cumming P, De Sousa A, Fountoulakis KN & Smirnova D – Risk assessment suicidality scale (rass)-based on-line calculator targeting early prevention of suicides in general population: from comet-g study results towards integration of the screening tool into routine clinical practice – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 225-31).
Germanova O, Kuvshinova N, Ashcheulova T, Gonda X, Tavormina G & Galati G – Frequent extrasystolic arrhythmia: perceived psychological well-being evaluation – (Psychiatria Danubina, 2024; 36: suppl. 2: 298-302).